Sunday, November 30, 2008


many people are suffering with a disease called
caste feeling.In hindus many people are keeping their names as Chandra babu naidu or Ys rajasekhar reddy or Ok chowdary or of such kind which make others to get to a conclusion that they are from a particular caste.many people write their caste name on the vehicles which make others to get to a conclusion that they are from a particular caste.Now a days even in muslims and some major cristians i found to see that they are establishing castes.In muslims they are separating again as mohamad and shaiks and of such kind,In cristians they are again separating as romans and catalics and of such kind. As these caste names are veiwed into the public,major differences are occuring in the soceity.Even in students exams,in instructions they are keeping rules to “not to mention OM or ALLAH or JESSUS ,etc” but they are not mentioning to make students not to write their caste names along with their names in their student’s signature columns which makes the invigilator or examiner or external or evaluator know that he/she is from that particular caste.if writing om is illegal than writing their caste names along with their names must also be made illegal.

In my government i wish to pass a biill that from the forth coming years,my government will pass a rule to make atleast the new enrollment of the new registered children (who are going to enter their student life from lkg onwards)to not to mention their caste in their full names either in first or last name which occur with words which refer to caste directly .i also wish the parents who keep their children’s name in such way to be brought to penal action.

willing to serve our mother nation-InDiA

more the nature to fight,less the losing capacity...
we never let any body fall down from the raising prices,
we never let any body fall down from the raising health problems,
we never let any body fall down from the corrupted people,
we never let any body fall down to work like slaves,
we never let any body fall down to be criticized in the name of caste and creed,
we never let any body fall down to the poor standards of living
more the nature to capture,less the surrenders occur...
we ever let every body to make them selves path their own path,
we ever let every body to stand at their problems by giving them the solutions,
we ever let every body to point out the mistakes of the government by bringing it to our foot steps,
we ever let every body to use the development and get developed
we always focus on the change what people need,
we always focus on every individual to just focus on the whole nation,
we always focus on the culprits to bring out the nation from corrupted people,
we always focus on the poor who are still raising their hand to beg,
we always focus on the failure of 100% development
we the social soliders of india,hereby infrom that the nation is ours and we wont let it go to dog hole,

if we think that India is in the edge of great development and if we think that it just needs our lives to make itself stand first among the rest we are willing to die for it, but more if it needs us for not coming down from its development again we are willing to take birth again for it.

gaining every moment of the nation starts with our young blood and we are happy to say that we are the range to the kingdom of freedom fighters who are struggling for the lives of vanishing backwordness and establishing strong forwardness