Saturday, June 25, 2011

sign it or i will do it my way_ IDEA9

as the picuter show, when you ask the government people for public toilets a thousand times, still one is not built in your area, then what would u like to do when your are in a urgency and in need of a rest room? just do it,, you will not get ashamed whereas government officials should get ashamed because they are not able to build just a public toilet for a common man.

Recently I heard that a great business man from India named Rattan Tata gave a public statement that when he wanted to start a new business on airlines or something, some of the concerned officials who have the power to grant it (and permitting him to do the business) have asked him bribe of some millions of rupees for it to get granted. After hearing that he has to pay the bribe for such a great social project where very citizen can be proud of it, he just stopped the entire project.

This is not just him but every time a business man or an ordinary man who wants to do a small business or get a small personal task done, he/she has to pay lots of bribes or must at least have some political support in order to get his/her new business granted.

When we ask some of the officials who are in connection with taking bribes, they simply say “it’s not just me, every officer above me and every employee who is working with me or under me will also take bribe.” But when we ask a question to them that “leave about every one, what about you? Are you also corrupted like everybody?” then we may not get a proper answer.

Even though if at least one person has some professional ethics, the rest of them who are working with him or his superior who are ordering him will not let him to be with his good ethics. They just keep on poking him also to take the bribe and get corrupted.

In this universe no material is 100%pure,every material will have some impurity in it. In the same way every government employee may not be corrupted, there may be some good employees who don’t like to take bribe but are forced to do so. That one person is enough to make a change if the government is able to pass a bill on this kind of concept below:

if i am the cm or the pm of the country, i would like to pass a bill on this and make it get implemented as soon as possible:

Every employee[he] who has the authority to do something but was unable to proceed just because he don’t have the permission(or a signature) from his higher officials and when the higher officials are always restricting him to do that task, then he can directly put the letter to the division head(the ultimate supreme power of that governmental board/body) and the copies of the letter should also be sent to the district collector, concerned commissioners, Minister of that body and then he can proceed with what he want to do without telling to anybody who are objecting him to do the task.

I think you are not clear with it, I would like to explain you with an simple example, taking the police board:--

When a police constable would like to arrest a thief but was unable to arrest him just because his higher official say police sub-inspector is not allowing him to make him arrest that thief and when he goes to police inspector for getting permission but he also fails there. Then as 2 of this higher officials objected him to do a good task that is to arrest a thief then he can write a letter to the city police commissioner (ultimate power in the board) and the copies of the letter should be sent to collector, home minister and then he can simply arrest the thief and produce him in the court.

Note: The letter is not for showing that his higher officials are corrupted but it states that as the lower employee i.e., police constable is confident about what he is willing to do is good. (and it also states that he is doing good for maintaining his professional ethics. )

After doing what he wanted to do, if what he did is stated to be good then well and good but no harm is done and no action is taken on his higher officials who restricted him to do that(this is because his higher officials may think of arresting him a different way).

If that person (constable) does any mistake in arresting the thief or then he shall be ordered for further explanation and if he can’t explain his failure properly then further action will we taken on him for not listening to the higher officials and doing it on his own way. (this is because if every employee will do everything without taking permission then there will be a terrible mess of coordination among these two stages of employees. )

There should also be a restriction that If any employee uses 3 times uses this path to do 3 different tasks i.e., to do without taking permission from his higher officials all the three times, then if that employee is doing good, his higher superior will be called for explanation (for not allowing his subordinate to do those tasks.) and if his subordinate uses this path to do a task and fails to do it then he will be called for explanation for not listening to his superior and doing it on his own.

This can be applicable not only to police board but for every government body,

Another simple example,

if a student can pass in a exam if he gets 1 mark in that exam and his teacher goes to the principal requesting permission to give the student that one mark. If the principal denies to the teacher to give the student that 1mark. Then the teacher can directly write a letter to the correspondent, chairman of the school, and other higher authority and can just give the student that one mark without even intimating to the principal who has already refused to grant permission in doing so. As it is of a good cause, no harm is done to the teacher and no harm should also be done to the principal(because principal might have thought of it differently).

In this way we can break the chain of a bribe case where from top to bottom every employee either superior/normal employee everybody is corrupted and a good employee in the middle who don’t take bribe can break the chain and do the process by himself.

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willing to serve our mother nation-InDiA

more the nature to fight,less the losing capacity...
we never let any body fall down from the raising prices,
we never let any body fall down from the raising health problems,
we never let any body fall down from the corrupted people,
we never let any body fall down to work like slaves,
we never let any body fall down to be criticized in the name of caste and creed,
we never let any body fall down to the poor standards of living
more the nature to capture,less the surrenders occur...
we ever let every body to make them selves path their own path,
we ever let every body to stand at their problems by giving them the solutions,
we ever let every body to point out the mistakes of the government by bringing it to our foot steps,
we ever let every body to use the development and get developed
we always focus on the change what people need,
we always focus on every individual to just focus on the whole nation,
we always focus on the culprits to bring out the nation from corrupted people,
we always focus on the poor who are still raising their hand to beg,
we always focus on the failure of 100% development
we the social soliders of india,hereby infrom that the nation is ours and we wont let it go to dog hole,

if we think that India is in the edge of great development and if we think that it just needs our lives to make itself stand first among the rest we are willing to die for it, but more if it needs us for not coming down from its development again we are willing to take birth again for it.

gaining every moment of the nation starts with our young blood and we are happy to say that we are the range to the kingdom of freedom fighters who are struggling for the lives of vanishing backwordness and establishing strong forwardness