Saturday, June 25, 2011

Earn 100% income and get 10% or 15% hot drink 3D's ACT_ IDEA8

BASIC INFORMATION that u should know in order to know this 3d’s concept:

Countries like India were huge amounts of masses are located, Drinking Deserves Death..

India has a lot of potential of working people who can even work all the 24hours without sleep, they even get money/income as stated for the work they do. India is situated on the globe to pass from the centre of the equator making it to have a moderate temperature all the time. There is no necessity for the people to have a glass of wine or beer or any other hot drink to keep themselves warm all the time. In spite of these normally hot & cold temperatures some people usually get addicted to hot drinks. Drinking over and over and soon loosing valuable lives. Some were unable to maintain all the needs of their families and hence breaking up just to drink every time. Some people who are addicted to drinks spend All the money they earn only for drinks.

Why should it happen only for a hard worker? Why can’t they control themselves from drinking? Why can’t they save these money spent on drinks for the future use?

If a child does a mistake his mother should take care of him in not doing the same mistake. Here the government should act like a mother to save her child from restricting him from over drinking. In spite of doing this, Indian government and some of the state governments under it are just enjoying the profits they are getting in terms of tax on these drinks, but not even from one corner of their heart they are looking into the person’s health who is getting over drunk every day.

if i am the cm or pm of the country i would like to do or pass a bill on this:

I suggest a good solution to control these people who are addicted toward drinks and spoiling their life:

Every citizen of India has a unique card based on their income status, some have white card (stating that they earn low income) some have other kind of cards which represent their income stats. These cards are at present used for helping people who are poor to give them free health treatments, to provide free education and for some other purposes. This cards should also be applicable to measure the drinking of a person who drink.


If a person earns 100 rupees then he can only order a drink for 15 rupees and if a person earns 200 rupees then he can only order drinks for 30rupess. That is to perfectly say only 15% of his monthly income can be used for having drinks and not more than that. Every person who wish to have a drink must have a card called “Dinc card”(Drink INCome), a card which consists of this income details and the amount of money he spent on drinks in that same month. So whenever he goes to a bar or a pub or any other place he should carry that card for sure with him or else they shouldn’t be allowed to drink. each time he takes a drink the amount he spent on that drink is noted and so if he exceeds the amount of drink he can’t get anything more and he has to wait for the next month to have the drinks.

it should also be clear that the person's father/mother/wife lodging a letter to the municipal commissioner, then the person who is going to get 15% drinks from his 100% income, if the letter is lodged he can then only get only 10% drinks from this total 100% earnings/income. This is because if the wife or any other close person feels that he should be still restricted from that 15% drinking also, they can do it now. so that i feel that if that,

for exampe:

if a dad's total income is 1lakh rupees for month, so he can drink about 15000/-rupees which is still a huge amount with which if he gets hot-drinks with all his 15% he is still going to get his health this close ones can now lodge a letter for restricting him to 10% drinking only.

I hope this could restrict the over drinking people and also help stabilize their lifes with control on hot drinks

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willing to serve our mother nation-InDiA

more the nature to fight,less the losing capacity...
we never let any body fall down from the raising prices,
we never let any body fall down from the raising health problems,
we never let any body fall down from the corrupted people,
we never let any body fall down to work like slaves,
we never let any body fall down to be criticized in the name of caste and creed,
we never let any body fall down to the poor standards of living
more the nature to capture,less the surrenders occur...
we ever let every body to make them selves path their own path,
we ever let every body to stand at their problems by giving them the solutions,
we ever let every body to point out the mistakes of the government by bringing it to our foot steps,
we ever let every body to use the development and get developed
we always focus on the change what people need,
we always focus on every individual to just focus on the whole nation,
we always focus on the culprits to bring out the nation from corrupted people,
we always focus on the poor who are still raising their hand to beg,
we always focus on the failure of 100% development
we the social soliders of india,hereby infrom that the nation is ours and we wont let it go to dog hole,

if we think that India is in the edge of great development and if we think that it just needs our lives to make itself stand first among the rest we are willing to die for it, but more if it needs us for not coming down from its development again we are willing to take birth again for it.

gaining every moment of the nation starts with our young blood and we are happy to say that we are the range to the kingdom of freedom fighters who are struggling for the lives of vanishing backwordness and establishing strong forwardness