what is meant by public holiday?!Is it a relaxation day after a long time work at the office...?
then what for are the small and some large scale workers like RTC employees, servant maids, software engineers, shop keepers and many more workers stay at their works even on Sundays leaving their one day of week end relaxation to air. This means, they are working for the sake of maintaining their family’s livelihood.
Think of a Sunday when no transport works, Think of a Sunday when no shop opens, Think of a Sunday with only entertainment and nothing else…
In many countries people enjoy these precious weekends where as in India ‘people only enjoy work’, which is know the reason for our hard work even on these Sundays but is it true that are these people are earning ‘over time salary’ for their work on Sundays?!the answer from every Indian is NO, then what for these small scale workers be benefited?
In my government, I wish to pass a bill that every worker i.e.., a servant maid, a RTC employ, a public as well as a private worker will earn 10%extra of his original one day salary if he or she works on Sundays or festive days as a HOT money (Holiday Over Time money).